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“I believe at the end of the day I’ll be signing things that strike a very good balance that protects kids, brings transparency to parents but also continues to honor educators for the great job they’re doing.” Brian Kemp said his office has been “very engaged” but he didn’t take a stand on the latest proposal. It joins a long list of education-related proposals this year that has put Georgia classrooms on the front lines of culture wars. “Your performative cruelty won’t erase us.” Matthew Wilson, an openly gay Democratic lawmaker who is running for insurance commissioner. “GOP, get it through y’all’s heads that LGBTQ Georgians are not piñatas to bash in your campaign ads,” wrote state Rep. They also raise questions about wording that could include all publicly funded programs, despite the measure’s stated intent to focus solely on “private education.” Opponents of the initiative see it as an attempt to denigrate the LBTQ community. “No teacher should be promoting gender identity discussions with small children in a classroom setting - which is exactly what this bill says and why I support it.” 2 job with Donald Trump’s support, issued a statement outlining his endorsement of the bill.

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(Photo: Troy Stolt / Chattanooga Times Free Press) Burt Jones announces he is running for Georgia lieutenant governor during the 17th annual Floyd County GOP Rally at the Coosa Valley Fairgrounds on Saturday, Aug.

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